Know why internet security is important

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Know why internet security is important

Cybercrime now not only targets giant companies and governments, but also individual users. Crimes are carried out with increasingly diverse motives, from hacking to spreading viruses, malware and ransomware. A report released by Menlo revealed that in 2020 around 62% of cyber attacks were ransomware attacks.

Cybercrime perpetrators often involve a group of people who try to penetrate the security of a particular network or system. The perpetrators’ goals range from searching, obtaining, changing, deleting information, to demanding ransom so that systems and data cannot be accessed.

To avoid cybercrime, it is important to secure internet access (internet security). Find out more about what internet security is and how useful it is for your system, network and important data.

What is Internet Security?

Internet security describes all issues that include the security of activities and transactions over the internet. According to Kaspersky, internet security includes browser security, security of data entered via online forms, online behavior, network security, overall authentication, and protection of data sent via internet protocol (IP).

Technopedia explains that internet security relies on specific resources and standards to protect data sent over the internet, including various types of encryption such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). Other aspects include firewalls (which block unwanted traffic), anti-malware, anti-spyware, and anti-virus of certain networks or devices to monitor internet traffic.

Internet security is a top priority for companies and governments to protect important data and information. Fragile internet security can threaten the credibility and integrity of a business or other operations because data will be transferred via the web.

Why is Internet Security Important?

It is important for individuals, governments and private companies to potentially become targets of cyberattacks so they need to provide self-protection. There are a number of potential opportunities for attacks to occur, so internet security is needed.

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Private and confidential information or messages belonging to individuals, private companies and governments are sensitive and valuable data. There are a number of levels of information privacy, ranging from harmless to private information.

Theft of identity and data such as videos, photos and digital documents for illegal sale. Adequate security is needed to protect personal information, credit cards, account numbers and insurance, company financial records, product blueprints and business strategies.

Internet security also needs to be implemented to protect computers from damage, including infection by viruses, trojans and malicious software. When targeting government systems or large companies, these attacks can disrupt communications and services and trigger other problems.

What is the Use of Internet Security?

Equipping a business or service with internet security is the same as arming yourself against potential cyberattacks. There are at least six most common cyber threats, ranging from phishing, hacking and remote access, worms, spam, malware and malvertising, ransomware, botnets, to public and home WiFi threats.

Here are three uses of internet security for individuals, companies and governments, citing Simplify.

  1. No bugs
    Computers, PCs and laptops are very vulnerable to online viruses or bugs. Protection with internet security is significantly able to fight bugs.
  2. Protecting customers
    Apart from protecting yourself, your business and your services, having internet security is the same as keeping customer data safe and protected.
  3. Spyware protection
    Apart from infecting your computer, spyware will also spy on your activities to steal personal data including passwords, credit card numbers, bank account numbers and addresses. Generally hackers use spyware to steal your identity and assets.
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10 Most Common Threats to Internet Security

  1. Computer Viruses
    Computer viruses are the most common threat to internet security. Once viruses infect a computer or system, they will cause damage in a short time to infect other computers and network systems.
  2. Malware or Ransomware
    Malware or ransomware attacks on database systems will not stop until you are willing to pay the ransom. When malware infects, the data will be encrypted, potentially deleting all files.
  3. Phishing
    The main aim of phishing is to steal valuable data such as usernames, passwords, and credit card information disguised as a bank or financial service. They generally fake emails, short messages or websites to deceive victims.
  4. Botnet
    Botnets are one of the most dangerous threats to internet security. Like malware, botnets will also encrypt data on computer networks that can be controlled remotely.
  5. DDoS
    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks by flooding hosted servers to render them inoperable.
  6. Trojan Horse
    While a Trojan horse may seem like a harmless program, it is actually a vector that carries many viruses. Trojan horses generally infect via links or email attachments to steal sensitive data. When you open an attachment or click a link, you automatically download malware.
  7. SQL Injection
    SQL injection attacks use malicious code to penetrate security systems to steal or delete your valuable data.
  8. Rootkit
    Rootkits allow hackers to access systems remotely by placing a collection of tools on your network. Rootkit attacks generally steal passwords and disable antivirus.
  9. Rogue Security Software
    This type of attack tricks you into believing that your computer is infected with a virus. Later they will offer updates for security settings and introduce malware into your computer.
  10. APT threat
    APT secretly enters your system through coding and will remain silent to steal financial information. APTs are generally difficult to detect, so it’s important to pay attention to unusual patterns in network activity.
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Get the Best Internet Security Solution

Internet security providers are now increasingly diverse with the best solutions for your business.
Make sure you use an internet security solution that can encourage business optimization from reliable products such as Aruba ESP with Zero Trust, Aruba ESP with Zero Trust Security, ClearPass Device Insight (CDI), Aruba VIA, ClearPass Policy Manager. All these services can be obtained directly from Helios.

Helios is committed to supporting and developing together with business partners in an era of business that continues to develop. As a leading IT Value Added Distributor in Indonesia, Helios has experienced IT experts to help businesses from various industries when implementing their IT solutions.

Apart from that, Helios also presents Helios Cloud Portal, a special platform to make it easier for you to check the service and product catalog. Visit the Helios Cloud Portal at the following link. For more detailed information regarding the internet security solutions offered by Helios, you can contact